Sunday, 21 March 2021

Our Society....

We all live in the place called Society and everyday we see people from different generations here. Have you ever thought about the fact that most of the problems that occur in our society is because of the so called "Generation Gap" ? Or is it that we compromise ourselves by defining it with such a name, just because our parents or the people around us really don't try to understand us? What do you think!!?

There are always some pre-defined set of "rules" that is set by the society and if we fail to abide by them, we are deemed wrong and people don't accept us.

Going by those rules, the society is categorized into 2 Genders! "ONLY 2" ! Hope you  understand what I'm stressing upon!!

Well, Let's just deep down into the common facts that we face in our daily lives 

  • "Light skinned" people are considered beautiful and on the contrary, "Dark skinned" people are considered ugly
  • Men shouldn't get trained to a classical dance because it's like he is less of a "MARD" and he shouldn't cry because "MARD ko kabhi dardh nahi hotha"
  • Whenever we step out to buy pads, we must make sure that it is carried in a black polythene bag 
  • Here is the most popular statement in the society which goes by the saying, "A girl and a boy can never be friends" !! Like Seriously?????
  • As far as professional choices are concerned, a child from a middle/upper middle class family has only 2 options to choose from - An Engineer and A Doctor
  • The "Standard height" of an Indian Man is 5'7" and Woman is 5'2" and if you fail to meet this criteria, you are considered to be either "too short" or "too tall"

Coming on to the most sensitive Topic, RAPE. According to people, Rape cases in India increase because of the fact that girls wear clothes that "attract" Men. A small 8 months baby gets raped because she flaunts her "bare body"!! Isn't it?? A covid affected girl got raped by an Ambulance driver, having worn a "decent" dress (going by the language of the society) . Why did this happen then? We just express our sympathy by discussing this with our neighbors over a cup of tea. 

Moving on to the other facts....

No matter what, our parents will always be proud of "Sharma ji k beta/beti", even if we are better than them in so many aspects . Hope our generation always supports our child even though they don't reach our expectations. Rather than telling how much you have invested on your kids, it's better to show love and get back love. It's as simple as that (Newton's 3rd law).

Around 80% of the problems that we see around us gets solved, if we just look at our own work instead of poking our noses into others. But at the end of the day, if a neighbor Aunty sees you with an opposite gender, the gossip reaches from Kashmir to Kanyakumari!!

Going by the society standards, A girl always should have a lengthy hair. If she decides to chop it off, it means she is too fast and if a boy has a lengthy hair, then it means he might be doing drugs. A character of a boy/girl is always judged by how they dress up, and the list goes on and on and on. A girl should not laugh out loud, a girl should "sit like a girl", Boys should always take up additional responsibility, earn good salary and what not!!??

A trendy fight that happens in this society is "Gender equality" (Equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender). I still remember when I was scrolling through my WhatsApp one day, and my eyes caught a status saying that "My mom says, a women SHOULD always be financially independent so that she doesn't have the need to depend on others" . That's when a thought struck my mind, If a woman is willing to work, she should be getting that equal opportunity, but rather than that, here we are busy in adding one more rule to an existing database of rules that Working women are considered to be the best and a homemaker is not that great. 

You follow what you believe and its not at all necessary to give a statement to the society, because each and every one is unique and better in their own way and have the right to follow what they always believe in!!

I firmly believe that we can never compare a man with a woman because it's not an apple to apple comparison. They are different in their own ways. Respect men for what they are and in the same way respect women for what they are!!

Let's now move into the most interesting and the hottest topic in our society called "Marriage".

It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl. You always have to end up marrying your opposite gender who is of the same caste, sub caste, status and if possible same blood group πŸ˜…. There is something called "Love Marriage" and our Indian parents are practical enough to accept it only if the couple falls under the so called "SAME" category.

Eventually, All I would want to convey is that , every Individual has a right to live the way they want to, unless it doesn't create any sort of problems to others. At the same time, we are no one to judge anyone or create any statements in the society. 

We need to be socially aware of the happenings around us, be selfless at all times and help anyone in whatever way possible instead of keeping mum about the situation.

It's obvious that we can't change our society all of a sudden, but to start off, all we can do is to surround ourselves with quality people, thereby not allowing the society to dominate us and always listening to what our heart says.

Love n peace.


  1. You've put across your thoughts in an amazing way Manu 😍❤️πŸ‘Œ The key aspects of the society are highlighted well and you've kept it as simple and straightforward as possible πŸ‘πŸ‘ Loved the way you've talked about Rape, Gender Equality and Marriage and the conclusion was spot on πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ» Eagerly waiting for your next blog ❤️

  2. Indeed. πŸ’― πŸ’― πŸ’―. I haven’t read a post so relatable and so real since a long time. The words and the truths are presented so perfectly and accurately that no person can disagree to any of the statements written. We all know that a single blog can’t suddenly change everything but blogs like these and more writers like you have the power to change the perspective of people and their thought process. Surely we can’t change everything in a single day but giving people a vision like this will change the way they see and that’s where everything starts to change.

  3. Wow...just awesome to the point⚓

  4. Wow...just awesome to the point⚓

  5. Yes dear... obviously we are living in a judgemental society...The way you portrayed is excellent��...

  6. Society- A never ending topic with never ending expectation of people. From d day a baby is born till the last breath, society keeps expecting. Very well touched topic, written in summarised way. People should really focus on their own life rather dan commenting on any one else's. Unless nd until people r open and free to share their personal matters, it's none of anyone's topic to enquire. This is an independent country nd everyone's personal life.
    Stop bothering others. Start living urs. - @prince john

  7. Very well portrayed and articulated the fact that everyone is beautiful and unique in their own comfort. Proud that you penned up on both the versions rather than one. Best wishes to u manse, awaiting for an another top notch blog!!

  8. @Abhinav: What a great piece of writing dude seriously you covered almost everything and moreover it will take another 100years to change..
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, buy you can start where you are and change the ending”.

  9. You notions are easily deciphered.. Kudos to your attempt of change

  10. Very well writtenπŸ‘. Appreciative❤

  11. Well written... You are doing a great job. Keep it up

  12. This was really awesome nd useful post😍the way u potrayed was greatπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘all the best for ur next blog mansa paapaπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘

  13. Thank you for sharing your wonderful is so informative and easy to read... appreciated πŸ‘πŸ‘♥️

  14. Absolutely written well! May you continue to share your thoughts and spread positivity...All the very best!♥️

  15. Expressed clearly Vitally important topics...

  16. U explained intricate points so easily ,at the end of the day that matters is that we stay happy.Rules n regulations of this society are meant to keep us happy n not to demotivate us

  17. Excellent ma'am! You described everything very well that what happens around us.

  18. Again a nice one!! Totally agree with all the things you mentioned.


Find peace in a piece of you.

All my bad memories are gone. But why…. why can’t I become happy? Then the witch took his soul as they had promised and told him this......